Sattelite Services

Clients We Serve

Below is a collection of some past and present companies.

US Forest Service - Upgraded Roosevelt and Arapahoe National Forest Base, Repeater, Personnel and 150+ vehicles to mandated narrow band VHF system. DirecTV - Provided cellular coverage over 15 acres and 6 buildings at their Castle Rock Sattelite uplink facility. Seagate Technologies - Provided multiple cellular carrier coverage in a 1,000,000 square foot, design and research facility. San Miguel Power Association - Installed multiple point load control SCADA system in substations. Town of Wheatland - Installed multiple point load control SCADA systems in substation and office. City of Fort Collins - Designed and installed two-way communications system for Water Treatment facility and Waste Management facility. Also designed and installed cellular coverage solution in multiple city buildings. Medical Center of the Rockies - Designed and installed in-building, state 800MHz SMR coverage solution; UHF Repeater system linked via LAN to Poudre Valley Hospital for Security and back-up communications. VHF medical channel link to the ER for Ambulance and Flight for Life communications. City of Fountain - Installed and maintain multiple point load control SCADA system in substations and city office. Christian Satellite Network - Installed and Maintain multiple Satellite Down-Link and FM Transmitters.
Companies We Have Served
Collins Communications
Collins Communications
Kenwood Authorized Dealer
Hytera Authorized Dealer
Collins Communications in Fort Collins Colorado

Clients We Serve

Below is a collection of some

past and present companies.

US Forest Service - Upgraded Roosevelt and Arapahoe National Forest Base, Repeater, Personnel and 150+ vehicles to mandated narrow band VHF system. DirecTV - Provided cellular coverage over 15 acres and 6 buildings at their Castle Rock Sattelite uplink facility. Seagate Technologies - Provided multiple cellular carrier coverage in a 1,000,000 square foot, design and research facility. San Miguel Power Association - Installed multiple point load control SCADA system in substations. Town of Wheatland - Installed multiple point load control SCADA systems in substation and office. City of Fort Collins - Designed and installed two-way communications system for Water Treatment facility and Waste Management facility. Also designed and installed cellular coverage solution in multiple city buildings. Medical Center of the Rockies - Designed and installed in-building, state 800MHz SMR coverage solution; UHF Repeater system linked via LAN to Poudre Valley Hospital for Security and back-up communications. VHF medical channel link to the ER for Ambulance and Flight for Life communications. City of Fountain - Installed and maintain multiple point load control SCADA system in substations and city office. Christian Satellite Network - Installed and Maintain multiple Satellite Down-Link and FM Transmitters.
Sattelite Services
Hytera Authorized Dealer
Collins Communications
Collins Communications
Kenwood Authorized Dealer
Companies We Have Served
8:00AM-5:00PM • Mon-Fri (MST)